The WanderSafe Accord (WSA) serves as a unifying agreement grounded in the belief that through conscientious and intentional commitments, we will co-create local and global public and private spaces, and digital ecosystems that are fundamentally safe and free from gender-based violence.
The principles outlined in the WanderSafe Accord draws upon the mission and ambitions of #GenerationEquality Action Coalitions, in particular AC#1: Gender-Based Violence and AC#5 Technology and Innovation for Gender Equality.
When we sign our commitment to collective action under the WanderSafe Accord, we will be guided by the fundamental goals of UNSDG#17: Partnership for the Goals, namely, Target 17.17 “Encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships, building on the experience and resourcing strategies of
partnerships to deliver quality data, monitoring and accountability”
Recognising that gender-based violence affects women and girls, in all their diversity, the WanderSafe Accord adopts the definition of gender-based violence (GBV) derived from the 1993 UN Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women, as “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or
mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.”
The WanderSafe Accord envisions a world in which women’s rights are recognised as human rights and every woman is able to achieve her full potential. In such a world, no woman and child lives in fear of violence. When women can
#WanderSafely, the world will know peace.
We hereby commit to:
- Utilise gender-responsive technology and digital ecosystems to co-create safe physical and digital spaces through verified and secure data sharing practices; o Provide access to gender-responsive technology and digital ecosystems for vulnerable, disadvantaged and marginalised members of our communities who are
at risk of GBV; - Implement initiatives to address sexual harassment and other forms of sexual violence in public spaces, workplaces and homes, and creating WanderSafe havens;
- #BeTheBeacon – step up, speak up, report and bear witness in support of vulnerable members of our community that are at risk, or experiencing gender-based violence;
- Work together to fund and support access to services, such as mental, physical and
sexual health care, post-rape care and counselling;
- Advocate for inclusive, comprehensive and long-term strategies, programmes and resources to prevent and eliminate VAWG in public and private spaces prioritising the most marginalised women and girls
- Improving knowledge and providing guidance on implementing laws, public policies and restorative programs
- Amplify the success stories by showcasing effective strategies and interventions to inspire all actors to scale up and scale out evidence-based, gender-responsive initiatives
- Promote the leadership of women and girls in their diversity, and their meaningful participation in economic development, policy making and decision making from global to local levels;
- Engage Generation Equality Forum commitment makers in your country or region to collaborate in the implementation of bold new commitments and to inspire further action to deliver progress on the UN’s Gender-Based Violence Action Coalition Blueprint.
We, the signatories herein endorse the mission, principles, commitments and actions to be undertaken under the WanderSafe Accord as outlined in this document.
We, the signatories herein support the value of collaboration and cooperation to progress gender equality and commit to co-create a world where no woman and child lives in fear of violence.