On November 25th we’re observing the UN Day for the Eradication of Violence Against Women and we are joined by powerful voices from all over the world who have agreed to stand up and show up committing to #BetheBeacon (light of hope in a world of darkness) and be a voice for change.
Philippa B is a mother, actor, day trader and member of the Byron Bay community in Australia. Her powerful personal story is one that highlights the impact of generational abuse. Often children witness GBV/SV in their homes watching their parents and this normalises the behavior. Children live what they learn.
“I have been hit, bruised, pushed, verbally abused, thrown across rooms, and I locked myself in the bedroom with a knife on more than one occasion.. .but what really got me was when the abuse happened in front of my kids. That really shook me. Never again I told myself. This begs the question…
What image do we want our children to have growing up? Of women, of men, of themselves..?
The borders for what is ok and not are very blurred in our society. This needs to be defined. No woman or child should have to live a life feeling unsafe. And the fact that I know more women who have been victims of violence and abuse than not- that proves that we need to step up. It is time to fight together for a better future. We owe it to ourselves, to our daughters, to our sons.”
We continue to Collaborate for the Goals, the 17th United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to achieve Generation Equality by 2030.
The WanderSafe free smartphone application is designed for those who might feel threatened and allows the user to signal for help quickly and discreetly using a voice shortcut built into the application that works with SIRI and ALEXA.
The geolocation capability of the WanderSafe application allows first responders – family members, emergency services, to locate the victim quickly with 3 metre accuracy in partnership with What3Words.
Download the free WanderSafe application and start a conversation with your employer, child, active independent senior, roommate, about a safety plan and equip yourself with tools to help you get help faster.
Add your voice to the global cry for change and become a ‘beacon’. To learn more about how to use your voice to share the #BetheBeacon, #16DaysofActivism, #HeforShe movement go www.TheWanderSafeAccord.com